scorton archers For archers of all levels

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Beginner's Information

If you are interested in trying archery as a sport, you will need to complete a beginner's course, our coaches and volunteer members will guide you through the basics techniques of how to shoot. Below are some frequently asked questions about enroling on our beginner's course..

What is a beginner's course?
The beginners course covers a basic understanding of technique and disciplines for shooting in safety and with relative accuracy. There is no obligation to join the club and it is an excellent opportunity to have a longer try at a new sport and meet new people.

Where is the course held?
The course in run by volunteers and is held at our outdoor venue.

How long is the course?
The beginner's course is usually run over a 4 week period of 4x 2 hour sessions held on a Saturday. You will need to commit to attending all 4 sessions in order to pass the course.

Can anyone attend the beginner's course?
Archery is a very inclusive sport, we can get pretty much get anyone shooting. There are however some restrictions:
1) We encourage juniors but we cannot accept anyone less than 10 years old on our beginner's course.
2) Juniors (under 18) must be accompanied by a parent/guardian (over 18 years old) at all times. Parent/guardians must also complete the beginner's course at the same time or already be a member of Scorton Archers.

How do I register to take part? To enquire or book a place on the course you can contact our Beginner's Officer - Liz by e-mailing, Please be aware that we currently have a waiting list for our beginner's course which is run on a first come, first served basis.

When is the course run?
We usually hold a beginner's course once a year in the Spring on a Saturday Morning. This years course has had to be put on hold due to current restrictions and we are update when things change.

Do I need any specialist equipment in order to do the course?
All equipment will be supplied to enable you to participate in the course. You will however need to wear suitable clothing. Our courses are held outdoors and these run regardless of the weather, so you need to stay warm and dry. We ask that your clothing be not too baggy, especially around arms and upper body. You will need to wear suitable shoes or boots (no open toed footwear will be allowed) and that long hair is tied back.

Am I insured when doing the course?
Our governing body (Archery GB) covers insurance for the beginners course, but if you want to keep shooting after that, you must become a member of archery GB (and hopefully a club too).

Once I have attended the course, what happens next?
Once you have completed a beginner’s course and met the minimum safety standards, you are welcome to join the club. See the Membership page for details of the fees and available concessions. Our fees cover Scorton Archery club membership, regional and national membership (including Archery GB, our governing body who provide our insurance). We will give you more information at your final session on what happens next.

Note for Prospective Archers -
Please speak to one of Club Coaches or a Member BEFORE purchasing any equipment.